Class registration is on a first come, first served basis which means that all payments, vaccination records and applications are received before being considered eligible for class
Enrolment confirmations are sent out when complete applications are processed by our Registrar Please let us know if you have not recieved yours within a week of submitting your application.
Once classes have started there will be no refunds or deferrals.
There is a limit of 2 people per dog in class. Face masks are optional. Those who are unable to attend class may send a substitute. Please arrive on time and prepare to exit the class promptly.
Students and faculty must not come to class if ill or symptomatic.
To attend classes at Swansea Dog Obedience Club, it's mandatory that all dogs over three months of age have a valid rabies vaccination certificate issued by a qualified veterinarian.
This certificate must accompany the class registration form. However, we also understand that there may be health reasons for exemption from receiving a rabies vaccine. In such cases, a signed exemption letter from a qualified veterinarian will be accepted in lieu of a valid rabies vaccination certificate.
*****Health Protection and Promotion Act
R.R.O. 1990, REGULATION 567
Consolidation Period: From July 1, 2023 to the e-Laws currency date.
Every owner or person having the care or custody of a cat, dog or ferret three months of age or over shall ensure that the cat, dog or ferret is immunized against rabies. O. Reg. 497/17, s. 1.
We reserve the right to modify our policy at any time. If authorities mandate a lockdown, classes will be suspended and resume once the lockdown ends.
Monday January 13, 2024 to March 03, 2024 (No classes February 17, 2024) (7 weeks)
This class will work toward ensuring behaviours are "faultless". This course covers the instruction of signs up to #42 and introduction to the signs from Novice Level.This course helps finesse more complicated moves like the "sidestep right" and "Halt left turn forward", as well as help the dog and handler build a foundation for trial
This class is for dogs older than 16 weeks of age with no previous obedience training. This class focuses on teaching and improving your dog’s basic training, such as come, loose leash walking, attention, platform, targets and much more. Also this class will include some of what is needed for your dog to earn their Canine Good Neighbour (CGN)
This class is for dogs older than 16 weeks of age with no previous obedience training. This class focuses on teaching and improving your dog’s basic training, such as come, loose leash walking, attention, platform, targets and much more. Also this class will include some of what is needed for your dog to earn their Canine Good Neighbour (CGN).
This class builds further on your dog’s basic obedience skills. Work on stay, placement, tricks, heeling, platform work and continue to include Caine Good Neighbour (CGN) requirements
Download and complete the Class Registration Form below. If you cannot print out the form call or email us for a hard copy and we will mail it to you.
Adobe File to fill up and send back to regisrtation office
Download the registration form here or click image above.
Registering by email
1.) Download the registration form here or click image below. Save the blank form to your computer first. Do NOT fill it out in your email browser. Remember to open with Adobe Acrobat or other compatible PDF reader. Fill in the form and then save it again on your computer. The form cannot be filled out in your email preview window.
2.) Send the completed form and scans of your dog's vaccination certificates to us at
3.) Submit payment using your preferred payment method below.
Bank Email Transfer
Send to:
For payment - please transfer payment fee to
Send to:
If you have any questions
Simply call us at 416-233-7633 (please leave a clear message if you get voicemail), email us at,
The Registrar
Swansea Dog Obedience Club
"My dog Carbon and I started training with Swansea in 2019. We’ve taken both Obedience and Rally classes and the instructors have been absolutely amazing. They work with each student to provide a personalized experience, whether it be making an exercise more simple or advanced to ensure your dog either fully understands what’s being asked of them or are being challenged if they’ve already grasped the concepts. We’ve trained with several other schools and clubs before and I cannot say enough about the quality that comes from this club. We’re looking forward to the next set of classes so we can start preparing for competitions!
Thank you so much Swansea Dog Obedience Club! Jenny Lu and Carbon
Hi Kelly,
Just wanted to thank you once again for all your support and guidance over the last several weeks. You and your team did an outstanding job teaching me and the others how to train our dogs!
Your expertise and wonderful patience was much appreciated as I had little experience training our dog Winnie. Obedience 1 was wel worth my time and money as I feel so much more prepared to care and further train Winnie!
I would and will reccomend Obedience 1 to anyone with a new dog! Siana and Winnie about Beginner Obedience 1
"My dog and I greatly enjoyed Swansea's Obedience Level 1 and Level 2, Handling and Rally classes. The instructors's enthusiasm, knowledge and instruction was superb and we feel more prepared as we continue on our competitive obedience journey. Astra alreasy have qualification score for her RN carrier, she won Group 1 at All Breed Internation Show, and getting close to United Kennel Club Champion title" Eugine Tkachenko and Astra
"I would like to thank Swansea Dog Obedience Club for helping me make a breakthrough with my Border Terrier, Pym. We have been struggling for months with retrieving the dumbell in Open. I have tried so many things to motivate her. This is actually a bigger issue than just between me and Pym. I have struggled with the dumbell with other dogs. It really affected my confidence in the ring and, I feel, hurt my relationship with my dogs. (All my fault!!)
After a couple of weeks of calm instruction and unfailing positivity, we made a breakthrough! Pym retrieved the dumbell with a happy attitude!! I really feel I may have given up on Competition Obedience if this had not happened. Thank you so much for keeping us going, checking in and your detailed homework." Lisa and Pym (Border Terrier)